Quantcast Kendra Okihiro's Blogs | Locations

90 Minutes That Could Change YOUR Life!

You are reading this at the RIGHT TIME and if you are thinking of buying your first home, you don’t need to wait for someone to show you the way. Hosted by Prudential Locations, and at NO cost to you -- I invite you to attend our Non-Homeowner Seminar – A wonderfully engaging presentation filled with incredibly dynamic and clearly illustrated market information!


Finding the Right Agent for Sellers

In my humble opinion, selling a home, even in a seller's market requires enlisting the professional services of a real estate agent and licensed REALTORS® have training to guide you through the process to a smooth and successful closing.  

What may seem like an easily marketable and salable home often requires a skilled agent’s advice to avoid costly mistakes down the road. It’s not uncommon when after meeting with a seller for a potential listing; I help uncover other options, potential pitfalls, tax implications, needed repairs or improvements, and more.


Buying Your First Home - It's Easier Than You Think!

Many people think they can’t buy a home, for a variety of reasons. Maybe they have poor credit, perhaps very little money saved or maybe the whole process of buying and owning a home is just so overwhelming it’s simply easier to rent.

Well, the unknowns of buying a home shouldn't be a deterrent. Start by asking a simple question. Is buying a home right for me? Oftentimes there is a need, motivation or driving force leading towards the thought of buying?

  • Are you tired of paying rent?
  • Do you want more privacy?
  • Are you looking to move out of your parent’s home?
  • Has your family grown and you need more space?