Quantcast Locations Foundation Donates 1,579 Pounds of Food to the Hawaii Foodbank | Locations

Locations Foundation Donates 1,579 Pounds of Food to the Hawaii Foodbank

The Locations Foundation held their 2nd annual Food Drive, in support of the Hawaii Foodbank, at the Prudential Locations Christmas Luncheon Party on Tuesday, December 10th.

According to the Hunger in America 2010 report by Feeding America, 183,500 unique people in Hawaii, over 14 percent of our population, receives emergency food assistance through the Hawaii Foodbank member agency network. The Hawaii Foodbank, a nonprofit organization that works to provide food so that no one in Hawaii goes hungry. 

Locations Foundation Food Drive 2013

Through a bit of friendly competition between company departments for a catered lunch sponsored by Premier Escrow, everyone in the company was asked to donate what they were able. The food drive doubled the amount donated the year before and we exceeded our expectations with 1,579 lbs. of food! The winning department was the Diamond Head agents, with a big mahalo going to Gary and Tammy Murakami, who went door knocking in their community and collected about 400 lbs. of food. The Foodbank turns the pounds into meals, so our donation will allow the Hawaii Foodbank to provide food for 1,243 meals. Before our donation, the Food Bank was down to 13 days of food remaining. Our efforts added a much-needed supply for the holiday season.

On behalf of the Hawaii Foodbank and the Food Drive Committee (pictured below L-R: Dennis Muth, Jessica Chiu, Toan Doran, Mary Edu and Wade Uehara), we would like to thank all the participants who contributed food.