Quantcast Spook-tacular Blood Drive Success: Locations Foundation Saves 93 Lives | Locations

Spook-tacular Blood Drive Success: Locations Foundation Saves 93 Lives

It was a ghoulishly good time at the Locations Foundation's annual blood drive on October 31, 2023, held at our Diamond Head office. This year, our dedicated agents and staff donned their capes and donated a staggering 31 pints of blood to the Hawaii Blood Bank, proving that giving back can be as thrilling as a Halloween scare. Even better, these donations have the potential to save 93 lives – now that's a reason to celebrate!

The Halloween-themed atmosphere made the blood drive all the more festive. With cobwebs and skeletons decorating the office, and volunteers dressed in their most creative costumes, the spirit of giving was alive and well. It's incredible to see how a fun and spooky theme can add a unique twist to an otherwise vital event.

Locations Partner and Foundation Board Member Cari Tanabe headed up the event again this year. "The willingness of our agents and employees to roll up their sleeves and give the gift of life meant the world to our 2023 Locations Foundation Blood Drive and, most important, to the 93 people whose lives our volunteers helped to save. Their generosity transformed Halloween into a day of hope and healing. These Locations agents and employees were the real superheroes this Halloween--no costumes required!"

Mahalo to our generous blood donors:

There is a crucial need for blood donations in Hawaii. Shockingly, only two percent of people donate blood. It's a statistic that highlights the urgent need for more individuals to step forward and contribute to this life-saving cause. As they say, "Every drop counts!" If you're feeling inspired by the Locations Foundation's dedication to this noble cause and are interested in making a difference, consider donating blood yourself.

You can find more information about donating blood and locate donation centers near you by visiting the Blood Bank of Hawaii website. In the spirit of Halloween and the Locations Foundation's inspiring example, let's work together to raise that two percent and ensure that every life in our community is protected. After all, there's no better treat than knowing you've helped save a life – a true Halloween miracle!