Quantcast Locations Foundation Pitches in to Refresh Residential Youth Home | Locations

Locations Foundation Pitches in to Refresh Residential Youth Home

Locations Foundation volunteers

On Saturday, April 22, I had the honor of joining nearly two dozen of my fellow Locations agents and Locations staff members to freshen up Ka Pa Ola, a residential home for teenage girls run by Child and Family Services.

Locations Foundation members Krystle Baniqued, Dolores Bediones, Kumiko Burns, Rexie Castro, Elaine Chow, Rosalynn Edu, Alicia Esteves, Jo Ann Foulkes, Jema Geronimo, Lindsey Itamoto Jan Kim, Denice Lopez, Michelle Lynch, Dennis McQuoid, Scheller Sanchez, Ruth Simmons, Wade Uehara, Priscilla Walthouse and Maria White chipped in to repaint Ka Pa Ola’s common areas and to help select new bedding for the residents who are receiving counselling to address mental health, and emotional and behavioral issues. The Locations Foundation also donated funds to further enhance the living quarters at Ka Pa Ola.

Though it was a long day of labor, the results were joyous!

Locations Foundation volunteers at work

A special "thank you" from our friends at Ka Pa Ola.

Read more about the Foundation and its mission here.