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Locations Foundation Gives Back

hawaiian hope

During these unprecedented times, the Locations Foundation is committed to continuing its mission of serving Hawaii's families and keiki in need. Although some of the Foundation's usual events looked a little different this year, our agent volunteers contributed to our island community by giving generously of their time and earnings. Here's a quick recap of recent Foundation events.

Providing essential computer equipment to keiki in need

The Foundation has partnered with Hawaiian Hope for many years to provide restored computer equipment to Hawaii schools and students in need. This year, with distance learning in place for most keiki, providing reliable computers to students was more important than ever. The Foundation was proud to give $6,750 to Hawaiian Hope to assist with the costs of restoring donated computers to keiki and families distance learning.

“We’re proud to partner with Hawaiian Hope to help ensure that keiki have access to equipment necessary to support distance learning,” said Jodee Farm, Partner and Locations Foundation Guardian Donor. “Our keiki need to continue their educational journeys, and not having access to a computer to participate in distance learning was not acceptable to us,” Farm added.

In past years, the Foundation has also supported Hawaiian Hope by identifying schools in need of computer equipment, while Foundation volunteers have assisted with school distribution events.

Keiki emoji masks

foundation mask

Who knew masks would be the fashion trend of 2020?! We’re excited to share our exclusively designed Foundation face masks that spread happiness – not germs. It’s not always easy to get keiki to wear a mask. That’s why we partnered with a local vendor, Loco Boutique, to produce these fun emoji masks that keiki actually want to wear. We can’t wait to see more smiling faces like this in the coming months as our island begins to open up!

Bringing siblings together

The Foundation has hosted many Project Visitation events over the years, helping to bring together siblings separated by foster care through various fun activities, like ice skating, mini golf and visits to Sea Life Park.

Due to COVID-19, some families were not able to partake in Halloween festivities this year. To combat this, Project Visitation held their second virtual Zoom event on October 24, a week before Halloween. The event gave children a chance to have fun and collect Halloween candy from the safety and comfort of their homes. The children were able to dress up in costumes, participate in a Halloween costume contest, play games and win prizes. In addition to these prizes, every child who participated received candy bags to make up for the loss of this year’s Halloween goodies, as well as a $20 gift card. With distance learning and online classes, most keiki have been staying home. This event was not only fun for the children, but it also gave our resource caregivers the chance to relax while the children were occupied with our fun event.

“It’s been an honor to partner with Project Visitation over the years,” said Realtor-Associate® and Foundation volunteer Wade Uehara. “The look on siblings’ faces when they are reunited again is something truly special.”

Virtual Heart Walk

Like many events in 2020, this year’s American Heart Association (AHA) Heart Walk looked a little different – instead of gathering thousands of walkers together at one time, the event encouraged the community to walk on their own time to recognize the importance of heart health.

The Foundation was honored to be a sponsor of the Keiki Corner portion of the virtual event and looks forward to extending its sponsorship to future AHA events like its Kids Heart Challenge. As one of 64 local companies to participate in the virtual walk, the Foundation helped to raise a collective $385,000 for the Hawaii - American Heart Association.