Quantcast Prudential Locations 2013 Company Picnic and Charity Drive | Locations

Prudential Locations 2013 Company Picnic and Charity Drive

On Saturday, June 22nd, the Prudential Locations ohana gathered at the Shriner’s Beach Club to relax, have some fun, and take part in the grand tradition of the company picnic.

Prudential Locations Picnic Group Shops

Waimanalo was a beautiful host, keeping the weather nice throughout the day and perfect for all of the activities that were in store.  

Prudential Locations Waimanalo Beach View

The Locations Foundation and Charity Drives

When arriving, Michael Marks was there to greet everyone with an ever-growing pile of donations for United Cerebral Palsy Association of Hawaii. You can read all about the donations and the support from the Locations Foundation HERE. When all was said and done, over 3,500 pounds were donated. And since a train of people formed to load it all into the donation truck, quite a few of us can honestly claim to have lifted over a ton!

Prudential Locations Clothing Drive Truck for UCP

Set up along the inside back wall of the hall were the items up for bid in the Silent Auction. Everything from handbags to surf lessons were offered, and in the end, it was the most profitable yet by bringing in over $3,200 for the Locations Foundation.

Prudential Locations Silent Auction for Locations Foundation

Lunch and the Dessert Contest

Prudential Locations Company Picnic Grill

At lunch, the Masters of the Flame, Scott Higashi and his grill team, along with Bill and Brenda with their delicious kalbi and chicken were the stars of the show. To top it off, the contestants in the Dessert Contest offered up their entries and proved that each was a champion. The contest itself resulted with:

  • 1st place ($250):  
    • Lee Wang – Bacon Ice Cream
  • 2nd place ($150):  
    • Noele Kanemoto – Pear Bavarian Torte
  • People’s Choice ($100):  A two-way tie! 
    • Jamie Gomes – Pecan Bars
    • Lisa Onishi – Brownie Blossoms
  • “Premier” Ingredient ($100 – sponsored by Premier Title):  
    • Linda Toki – Raspberry Cream Cheese Butter Crunch Pie

Prudential Locations Company Picnic People's Choice Dessert Winners

Lee agreed to share his award winning recipe for Bacon Ice Cream, so get ready for your next party with this:

Bacon Ice Cream

Prudential Locations Company Picnic Dessert Winner Bacon Ice Cream

  • 3 strips of bacon, lightly candied
  • 3 tablespoons salted butter
  • ¾ cup light brown sugar
  • 2 ¾ cup half-and-half
  • 5 large egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons Yamazaki 12 whiskey
  • ⅓ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1lb dry ice

Other amazing entries included:

  • Ian Murphy – Cheesecake Brownies
  • Susan Miyasato (John Connelley) – Decadent Chocolate Bird Nests
  • Lori Sharpe – Carrot Pecan Cupcakes and Hawaiian Lemon Lemon Bars
  • Hazel Unciano – Gooey Cake Bars
  • JoAnn Lumsden – Mango Bread and Apple Bacon Muffins
  • Wendy Watanabe – Fruit Bars
  • Davilyn Sato – Almond Joy Brownie Bites
  • Richard Linke – Coconut Macadamia Nut Bars
  • Jamie Gomes – CocoMango Banana Bread
  • Kaile Luga – Breakfast Bars

Prudential Locations Company Picnic Dessert Table

Thank you to our judges:

  • Kevin Tengan - Technology Programs Manager
  • Reine Ah Moo - Agent
  • Joan Bartlett - Sales Manager
  • Guest Judge - Kele Smith, owner of Na Ono (specializing in roasted corn) and caterer

Gladiatorial Feats of Skill 

Shortly thereafter, just enough time to start digesting and really be weighed down, it was time for the games! Because, of course, there is no BBQ without games. Warriors squared off in epic competitions to leave it all on the battlefield (including a bit of their dignity). The obstacle relay course kicked things off with a two-person team race that left the participants dizzy, but laughing. Congratulations to the winning team of James Chan and Micah Ancheta (Krissy’s husband)!

Prudential Locations Company Picnic Relay Race

Next, Wells Fargo joined us again for the watermelon eating contest. The field was wide open for who might walk away with the win and the contestants were divided into a kid’s and adult’s division. After a lightning fast round of very messy, face-first eating, Chantelle (Lorna’s daughter) won the kid’s division and Gil Mara is the new champ among the adults! Many of the contestants then went on to clean themselves off by participating in the water balloon toss. Congratulations to Heidi Ellyn’s two sons, who were the last to avoid a shower.

Prudential Locations Company Picnic Watermelon Eating Contest

Good Times

A special thanks to our friends from Premier Title for cooling everyone down with the over 300 shave ice cones they handed out during the day!

Prudential Locations Company Picnic Premier Title Shave Ice Stand

Also, thanks to our face painter, our fish pond and bounce house organizers, and to Joe Segal for bringing his slack line so everyone could try their hands (waving) and feet (shaking) at practicing their balance. 

Prudential Locations Company Picnic Activities Collage Face Painter Bounce House Fish Pond Slack Line

In the end, everyone pitched in their part to make sure the Shriner’s Beach Club was left cleaner than we found it.

Another successful picnic! Thank you to everyone who came out to join us and we hope to see even more of you next year.

