Quantcast Market Conditions Require Increased Frequency Options for Neighborhood Expert Emails | Locations

Market Conditions Require Increased Frequency Options for Neighborhood Expert Emails

Do you have a need for speed? Be the first to know about all the latest listings from Locationshawaii.com  by signing up for our as they happen Neighborhood Expert Emails. Once you are signed up, this program sends you emails whenever new properties (or updates) are posted to the MLS that meet your real estate search criteria.

In response to current market conditions, and requests from both agents and clients, PrudentialLocations.com has increased the frequency in which you can receive Neighborhood Expert Emails. Today, properties go on the market and receive offers on the same day. Our upgraded Neighborhood Expert Emails is perfect if you're an active buyer who needs notifications more frequently; this service is your competitive edge in today’s seller’s market. 

If you’re already receiving the Neighborhood Expert Emails, your default frequency remains as Daily, however, should your needs change, you can switch to the new frequency option quickly and easily, giving you a clear advantage in this competitive market.

Prudential Location Neighborhood Expert Emails