Quantcast Five Ways to Help Your Keiki Settle Into Your New Home | Locations

Five Ways to Help Your Keiki Settle Into Your New Home

Welcome Home Moments

Moving to a new home is a special time for a family that is filled with excitement, anticipation, and promise. As adults, we are accustomed to major life changes and know how to cope with uncertainty and new situations. Our children look to us for stability and comfort, especially during a move to a new home. In order to make the transition to a new residence a fun and positive experience for your keiki, we have gathered some recommendations that homeowners have shared with our team.

Let your young ones help with packing their special box

Have your kids help with packing boxes of their items. While they may not have any say about the move, allowing your children to pack their boxes of toys and treasured items helps them regain a sense of control over their own environment. Make sure to personalize their boxes with fun

Pack their boxes last

Have your children’s boxes be the last ones loaded into the moving truck, or your car. This way, it can be one of the first boxes that can be unloaded at your new home, and your kids can quickly have something comforting and familiar to help them acclimate.

Have them brainstorm their new room

Choosing how they’ll arrange their room, or which color they are going to paint the walls, can help your kids put their own mark on the room and make it comfortable for them. You can have them draw a large sketch of their room and place toy furniture pieces for them to arrange their own room.

Try to keep a routine

With all the changes happening during the move, help make the transition to your new home easier by sticking to your general routine. Try to eat dinner together and have goodnight hugs and kisses around the same time as you normally would without the move. Regardless of where you are, have your love and comfort be a constant for your children.

Show them love

Moves are exciting, but they can also be stressful, draining, and for kids and adults alike, a little scary. Let your child voice their emotions and be there to give them the extra love they need during this time period. Remind your kids how exciting and positive this move will be, and how special it will be to fill your house with welcome home moments.